Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Navarro's Promise

***** 4 Stars *****

Welcome to Lora Leigh's 24th Breed Novel.

Just when I believed that all of her Breed novels were starting to be the same thing, she surprised me. If you haven't read any of the Breeds, let me introduce you to the story.

These are half human/ half animal creations. They weren't born, they were engineered by scientists to be weapons. They have heightened senses and are extremely strong. Each Breed has one mate out in the entire world meant to be just for themselves. But how can a person never shown love know how to give and receive love? That's the struggle these characters meet and conquer in Lora Leigh's books. Oh and the struggle to survive. Breeds are out in the open in the world and you either love them, or hate them. Love has given them a sort of celebrity status, while hate threatens them to extinction on a daily basis.

About the Book:

We meet Cassie Sinclair's best(and pretty much only) friend, Mica. Mica has been around Breeds for so long she is used to blending into their world while still being human. She doesn't really have illusions about what they are or aren't. They just exist, and so does she. After years of Cassie, she's used to keeping her emotions, fidgets, and scent in check. She is constantly brought in as Cassie personal assistant when Cassie's having trouble coping with stress or workload. When she's not at Haven, she lives her own life in NYC working for a newspaper.

Navarro is a wolf breed that teeters on being human. His genetics are considered "recessed". Other breeds are unable to scent that he isn't just human. He, as per all breeds, has a sort of tortured past... well I guess literally with the breeds. They were all tortured in the labs. But a specific event shaped his emotions today.

Phillip Brandemore, villain extraordinaire, may be captured but he isn't out of the game yet. Knowing that Mica is Cassie's BFF in a world where Cassie is isolated with hardly anything else, he decides to order Mica kidnapped. Navarro is in NYC when the distress call goes out and rescues Mica.

The course of this mating is entirely different than what we are used to, which is what made this story so likable. If you read any of Ms. Leigh's story, your aware that each story kind of works the same in each of her series. Lots of explicit sex and even more cheesy lines during said event. Typical breed finds mate, one or both are too stubborn to except the mating. Book revolves around being "sexed" into loving each other. This is different. Navarro's recessed DNA has led to no mating symptons and a really hard time for Ely to confirm a mating at all. In this book mating isn't just about hormones and the heat, the essential ingredient becomes love. Can you mate someone and claim them as yours, if you don't feel for them? Without acknowledged feelings, Navarro's body can't complete the mating.

I really liked both characters in this book. I have HATED some of Leigh's heroines in the past, but love Mica. She isn't needy. She isn't overly stubborn. She isn't considered at some point to be betraying the breeds, like human mates past. She's realistic. She's aware of what is happening an she adjusts and moves forward. Navarro is a hot breed who is dominate and protective.

Overall Leigh used less of her extremely corny sex lines and found more emotion in this book. She didn't unearth questions and leave no answers. Heck she even mentioned that chip file Storme had in books past. They even mentioned Jonas' daughter's, Amber, injection from Brandemore in "Lion's Heat". I must admit, Leigh's previous books asked lots of questions and gave NOOOOOOOO answers and it was starting to tick me off. She literally never addressed all the posed questions at a later date, until this book. Don't expect fulfilling answers, just be happy she acknowledged those previous questions for once.


EDITING!!!!!!!!!! OMG I actually have found myself insulted. Her books always contain faults in editing. I get the Nook version. But this time I had to reread so many parts because I felt like I missed something or was stupid. I am at the point where I find it insulting to a person who enjoys literature. I like picking up a book crafted by someones words and thoughts. I like sinking my imagination into it. I don't like rereading parts constantly because someone you pay(editor) isn't up to par. This book finally has me annoyed enough to have a problem with it.


If you like the Breeds, get this book. It's a breath of fresh air in a series that was starting to sound the same. Good job Laura, you've won me back to the "addicted to breeds" status.

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