Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I'm sort of at a cross roads in life.  I've been a stay at home wife/mother for around 5 years now.  My one and only child is 4.  The 35 lbs that I've never lost from pregnancy haunt me.   Is it so bad that I still call it "baby weight"?  Ummm yeah.  So I think I'm going to use this blog to find some accountability in my life. 

With the new year comes New Year resolutions.  So here are mine: drink more water, eat healthy snacks, and exercise 3 days a week.  Let me explain.

1. Drink More Water.
          I hate water.  I like my water with a side of aspartame and caffeine.  Is it so wrong that I need my beverages to keep my energy flowing throughout the day?

2.   Eat Healthy Snacks.
          This is some sort of psychological game I'm playing with myself.  If I say "eat healthier".. I will binge on junk.  I know myself.  Saying that I'm going to "eat healthy" = diet.  Cue chocolate and Mcdonalds.  I think buy saying I'll eat healthier snacks is my way of convincing myself it really is only small changes. 

3.  Exercise 3 Days A Week.
          This is me asking for a miracle.  Somewhere in my mid 20's I decided that I was against exercising.  (cue AHA! moment as to why I have 35 extra pounds)  I am soooooooooooooo lazy.   Did you count the "o's" in that sooooooooooooo?  There are not enough "o's" in so to express the level of my laziness. 

I lack motivation.  I also lack energy, will power, and a six pack of abs.  So this is where the title of this post comes in.  Accountability.   I've got a few days before the New Year to practice my new resolutions.  So have a drink or several for me.  I'll be that mom who is asleep by 9:30pm when the ball drops New Years Eve... well duh, I'll have a workout to attend in the morning.